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Traducere în limba română

stranded1 adjectiv

1. împotmolit, înnămolit; eşuat, aruncat la mal.

2. (auto) în pană.

3. (fig.) ruinat; părăsit; rămas sau abandouat / părăsit / lăsat fără resurse / fără mijloace / în pană / în încurcătură.

stranded2 I. past şi part. trec. de la strand2.

stranded2 II. adjectiv

(ră)sucit, torsadat, împletit.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

The last flood had lifted her, and had there been much wind or a strong tide current, as in the southern anchorage, we should never have found her more, or found her stranded beyond help.

(Treasure Island, de Robert Louis Stevenson)

The resulting bioactive mono-alkyltriazene species are capable of alkylating nucleophilic residues in the immediate vicinity such as N-7 and/or O-6 sites of guanine, thereby causes intra- or inter-stranded DNA cross-links and trigger apoptosis.

(Mitozolomide, NCI Thesaurus)

Belotecan binds to and inhibits the activity of topoisomerase I, stabilizing the cleavable complex of topoisomerase I-DNA, which inhibits the religation of single-stranded DNA breaks generated by topoisomerase I; lethal double-stranded DNA breaks occur when the topoisomerase I-DNA complex is encountered by the DNA replication machinery, DNA replication is disrupted, and the tumor cell undergoes apoptosis.

(Belotecan hydrochloride, NCI Thesaurus)

Upon internalization, the prodrug moiety is released and activated and binds to double-stranded B-DNA within the minor groove, thereby alkylating the -3 position of adenine, which may result in the inhibition of cellular proliferation of tumor cells that overexpress CD70.

(Anti-CD70 Antibody-Drug Conjugate MDX-1203, NCI Thesaurus)

NHEJ involves binding of the KU heterodimer to double-stranded DNA ends, recruitment of DNA-PKcs (MRX complex in yeast), processing of ends, and recruitment of the DNA ligase IV (LIG4)-XRCC4 complex, which brings about ligation.

(Non-Homologous End-Joining Pathway, NCI Thesaurus/KEGG)

Anthracycline analogue GPX-150 intercalates DNA and impedes the activity of topoisomerase II, inducing single and double-stranded breaks in DNA; inhibiting DNA replication and/or repair, transcription, and protein synthesis; and activating tumor cell apoptosis.

(Anthracycline Analogue GPX-150, NCI Thesaurus)

IFN alpha is a type I interferon produced by peripheral blood leukocytes or lymphoblastoid cells when exposed to live or inactivated virus, double-stranded RNA, or bacterial products and is the primary interferon produced by virus-induced leukocyte cultures.

(Natural IFN-alpha OPC-18, NCI Thesaurus)