Engleza pentru contabilitate

The Accounting System /Sistemul de contabilitate


The total structure of records and procedures which identify, classify, record, and report information on the company´s financial position and transactions is called the accounting system.

accounting = contabilitate
(the) accounting system = sistemul contabil
total = total(a)
structure = structura
records = in context: inregistrari; inscrisuri
procedures = proceduri
(to) identify = a identifica
(to) classify = a clasifica
(to) record = a inregistra
(to) report = a raporta
information on = informatie / informatii despre
(the) company's financial position = pozitia financiara a companiei
transactions = tranzactii

The accounting system records into specific accounts all the similar transactions that occur in a business.

specific = determinat, specific
accounts = conturi
all the similar transactions = toate tranzactiile similare
(to) occur = a se intampla, a surveni, a se ivi, a se produce
in a business = in context: intr-o firma

For easy reference, each account used in a company is assigned a unique number. A systematic listing of all accounts used by a company is called the chart of accounts.

reference = referire, referinta
easy = usor / usoara (care nu este dificil)
each account used in a company = in context: fiecarui cont utilizat intr-o companie
(to) assign = a aloca, a atribui
is assigned a unique number = ii este alocat un numar unic
systematic = sistematic
listing = lista, tiparitura
all = tot, toata, toti, toate
accounts used by a company = conturile utilizate de o companie
chart of accounts = plan contabil

Each account has a left side (called the debit side) and a right side (called the credit side).
Recording an amount on the debit side of the account is called debiting the account, debit, or debit entry.
Recording an amount on the credit side of the account is called crediting the account, credit, or credit entry.

left = stang, stanga
side = parte
debit = debit
right = drept, dreapta
credit = credit
amount = suma
recording an amount = a inregistra o suma; inregistrarea unei sume
on the debit side of the account = in debitul contului (litt. in partea de debit a contului)
is called = este (de)numit / (de)numita
debiting the account = debitare a contului
debit entry = inregistrare pe debit; inregistrare in debitul (unui cont)
on the credit side of the account = in creditul contului (litt. in partea de credit a contului)
crediting the account = creditare a contului
credit entry = inregistrare pe credit; inregistrare in creditul (unui cont)

For every entry made to the debit side of an account or accounts, an entry for a corresponding amount or amounts must be made to the credit side of another account or accounts.

every = fiecare
for every entry made to the debit side = pentru fiecare inregistrare facuta in debitul
of an account or accounts = unui cont sau [unor] conturi
corresponding = corespondent
an entry for a corresponding amount or amounts = o inregistrare pentru o suma sau [mai multe] sume corespondente
must be made = trebuie facuta
to the credit side = in creditul
of another account or accounts = altui cont sau [altor] conturi

This is the rule of double-entry accounting, also called “double-entry accounting system”, “double-entry bookkeeping”, or “double-entry bookkeeping system”.

rule = regula
double-entry = partida dubla
double-entry accounting = contabilitate in partida dubla
accounting system = sistem contabil
double-entry accounting system = sistem contabil in partida dubla
bookkeeping = tinerea registrelor (uneori folosit in sens de contabilitate)


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