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your adjectiv pos.

tău; ta; tăi; tale; dumitale; matale; vostru; voastră; voştri; voastre; dv.;

at your home la d-ta acasă.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

"So, if you will allow me to join your party, I will also go to the Emerald City and ask Oz to help me."

(The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, de L. Frank Baum)

If your birthday falls between June 21 and June 28, you will get a double-dip of pleasure from this beautiful new moon, February 23 at four degrees Pisces, and into the weeks that follow.

(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)

You are very sensible that Skyresh Bolgolam (galbet, or high-admiral) has been your mortal enemy, almost ever since your arrival.

(Gulliver's Travels into several remote nations of the world, de Jonathan Swift)

Now I can manage to make myself understood sufficiently in your language to explain that you do not know that other girl's language.

(Martin Eden, de Jack London)

To do this, your brain has to recall the memory of her face and then try to match it without getting distracted by all the other sights and sounds of the crowd.

(How the brain pays attention to faces and places, NIH)

How can you tell if your brain is efficient?

(Daydreaming Is Good: It Means You're Smart, Editura Global Info)

Your abdomen extends from below your chest to your groin.

(Abdominal Pain, NIH)

However, a key step in the life of the embryo – gastrulation, described by the eminent biologist Lewis Wolpert as “truly the most important time in your life” – was missing.

(Scientists generate key life event in artificial mouse ‘embryo’ created from stem cells, University of Cambridge)

Mobile phones are not made for you to tell your life story on.

(Health threats caused by mobile phone radiation, EUROPARL TV)

This is not the first research suggesting artificial sweeteners might have a negative impact on your health.

(Artificial Sweeteners Can Still Lead to Obesity, Diabetes, Editura Global Info)