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Traducere în limba română

whatever I. adjectiv

1. oricare, fiecare, orice, fiece;

whatever ambition moves him oricare ar fi ambiţia care-l animă;

whatever nonsense he says there are always people to believe it orice prostie ar spune, totdeauna se vor găsi oameni care să-l creadă.

2. (după un substantiv sau pronume, ca întăritor al ideii, adesea fără traducere) de nici un fel;

he has no chance whatever nu are absolut nici o şansă;

I have no books whatever nu am nici o carte;

none whatever nici măcar unul;

they paid no attention to him whatever nu i-au dat nici o atenţie;

nothing whatever absolut nimic.

3. (după any) oarecare;

has he any chance whatever? are vreo şansă oarecare?

if there is any hope whatever dacă există o.oarecare speranţă.

whatever II. pronume interog. relativ

ce; orice;

whatever he may say orice-ar putea zice;

whatever shall I do?ce să (mă) fac?

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

He looked with smiling penetration; and, on receiving no answer, added, She ought not to be angry with you, I suspect, whatever he may be.

(Emma, de Jane Austen)

Whatever may have changed him now, (and nothing but the blackest art employed against me can have done it), I was once as dear to him as my own soul could wish.

(Sense and Sensibility, de Jane Austen)

An uncle with whom she has been living so many years, and who, whatever his faults may be, is so very fond of her brother, treating him, they say, quite like a son.

(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)

Whatever happened, he must be real.

(Martin Eden, de Jack London)

As to the man's identity, said Professor Challenger, I have no doubt whatever upon that point.

(The Lost World, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

Whatever may happen, it must be of new hope or of new courage to me!

(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)

He protested that she should receive from him no mark of affection whatever on the occasion.

(Pride and Prejudice, de Jane Austen)

But whatever he does, he does because he desires to do it.

(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)

Why, whatever is the matter with Mr. Holmes?

(His Last Bow, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

The atmosphere of the whole house being summerlike, Laurie led the way from room to room, letting Jo stop to examine whatever struck her fancy.

(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)