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Traducere în limba română

transfer I. verb tranzitiv

1. a transfera, a muta, a deplasa (dintr-un loc într-altul); a transborda (pasagerii unui tren);

(mil.) to transfer to the reserve a trece în rezervă, a trece în cadrele rezervei.

2. (jur.) a transmite, a remite, a preda, a ceda.

3. a transpune (un desen) pe o altă suprafaţă; a calchia, a copia.

4. a schimba locul (cu gen.), a muta (o cale ferată, o linie de tramvai etc.).

5. (com.) a vira (o sumă de bani).

transfer II. substantiv

1. transfer, mutare; transbordare, schimbare de teren.

2. (jur.) transmitere, remitere, predare, cedare (a unei proprietăţi, a unui drept etc.); act de cedare; transfer, translaţiune;

transfer inter vivos transfer între vii;

transfer by death transmitere prin deces.

3. transpunere (a unui desen etc.) pe o altă suprafaţă; calcare, calchiere, copiere.

4. plural poze de copiat, abţibilduri.

5. trecerea culorilor pe pânză (pentru restaurarea unui tablou).

6. (com.) virament.

7. (mil.) soldat mutat dintr-un regiment la altul.

8. bilet de corespondenţă.

9. (şcol.) mutare (dintr-o clasă sau secţie într-alta).

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

Protein kinase enzymes catalyze the conversion of a protein to a phosphoprotein by covalently transferring the terminal, gamma phosphate group from ATP to a variety of substrates that typically play key regulatory roles in diverse cellular functions.

(Oncogenes, Protein-Kinase, NCI Thesaurus)

What was the relation between them, and what the object of his repeated visits? Was she his client, his friend, or his mistress? If the former, she had probably transferred the photograph to his keeping. If the latter, it was less likely.

(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

Mrs. Reed kept the orphan ten years: whether it was happy or not with her, I cannot say, never having been told; but at the end of that time she transferred it to a place you know—being no other than Lowood School, where you so long resided yourself.

(Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)

Given their finding that PHD proteins suppress the inflammatory immune response in the lung, the researchers wondered whether inhibiting them might improve the efficacy of adoptive cell transfer, a type of immunotherapy that harnesses the ability of a patient’s own T cells to recognize and attack cancer.

(Oxygen can impair cancer immunotherapy in mice, NIH)

Instead of forgetting him, his behaviour was such that she could not avoid the internal suggestion of Can it really be as my brother imagined? can it be possible for this man to be beginning to transfer his affections from Harriet to me?

(Emma, de Jane Austen)

When Diana and Mary returned, the former found her scholar transferred from her to her brother: she laughed, and both she and Mary agreed that St. John should never have persuaded them to such a step.

(Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)