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Traducere în limba română

tenderness substantiv

1. frăgezime, delicateţe.

2. sensibilitate, blândeţe.

3. grijă, îngrijorare, prudenţă, chibzuinţă.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

She had never been able to recall anything approaching to tenderness in his former treatment of herself.

(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)

I thanked my good aunt, in my heart, for her tenderness towards my wife; and I was sure that she knew I did.

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

Yes, some share of the tenderness of the past.

(Persuasion, de Jane Austen)

She could therefore only LOOK her tenderness, and after slightly addressing him, said no more.

(Sense and Sensibility, de Jane Austen)

He raised his head and looked at me, and somehow the tenderness of his face calmed me at once.

(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)

If you are attached, you will likely grow closer to your partner in tenderness.

(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)

He loved her, I am persuaded, as well as it was possible for him to—we have not all, you know, the same tenderness of disposition—and I will not pretend to say that while she lived, she might not often have had much to bear, but though his temper injured her, his judgment never did.

(Northanger Abbey, de Jane Austen)

This is just the time, Meg, when young married people are apt to grow apart, and the very time when they ought to be most together, for the first tenderness soon wears off, unless care is taken to preserve it.

(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)

On this point she was soon satisfied; and two or three little circumstances occurred ere they parted, which, in her anxious interpretation, denoted a recollection of Jane not untinctured by tenderness, and a wish of saying more that might lead to the mention of her, had he dared.

(Pride and Prejudice, de Jane Austen)

His manner seemed changed, his voice was quick from the agitation of joy; and all that had been awful in his dignity seemed lost in tenderness.

(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)