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relatively adverb

relativ, în mod relativ.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

The rest of his mates, though lighter dogs, had relatively lost more weight than he.

(The Call of the Wild, de Jack London)

Dividing the children into two groups – younger children (8-12 years) and older children (12-16 years) – the team found that the younger children with hearing loss showed relatively typical brain responses – in other words, similar to those of children with normal hearing.

(Mild-to-moderate hearing loss in children leads to changes in how brain processes sound, University of Cambridge)

The overexpression of HER-2/neu and activating point mutations in the K-ras gene occur early, inactivation of the p16 gene at an intermediate stage, and the inactivation of p53, SMAD4, and BRCA2 occur relatively late.

(Pancreatic Cancer Pathway, NCI Thesaurus/KEGG)

This study highlights the magnitude and scope of potential air, ice, land and ecosystem changes under what, for many, might seem like a relatively small increase in global temperature, says Jennifer Burns, a program director in NSF's Office of Polar Programs.

(Warming at the poles will have global consequences, National Science Foundation)

TWEAK has pleiotropic effects, mediating proinflammatory and pro-angiogenic activity as well as stimulation of invasion, migration, and survival mediated via its receptor Fn14; Fn14 is expressed at relatively low levels in normal tissues, but is elevated in tumor cells and locally in injured and diseased tissues.

(Anti-TWEAK Monoclonal Antibody RO5458640, NCI Thesaurus)

Though the volume of carbon dioxide going into the ocean is increasing, the percentage of emissions — about 31 percent — absorbed by it has remained relatively stable when compared to the first survey of carbon in the global ocean published in 2004.

(Global ocean is absorbing more carbon from fossil fuel emissions, NOAA)