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Traducere în limba română

pursue verb A. tranzitiv

1. a urmări, a fi pe urmele (cuiva);

(fam.) to be pursued by misfortune a fi urmărit de ghinion;

he is pursued by remorse e urmărit de remuşcări, nu poate scăpa de remuşcări.

2. a urmări (un scop), a urma (o cale trasată); a aspira la; a căuta; a fi în căutare (fericirii etc.);

to pursue a scheme a îndeplini un plan / un proiect sau un program;

to pursue a policy of peace a duce / a urma o politică de pace;

to pursue pleasure a urmări / a căuta plăcerea;

to pursue one’s duty a-şi vedea de datorie;

to pursue a new course a urma o nouă cale;

to pursue a line of conduct a urma o linie de conduită;

to pursue a profession a exercita o meserie.

3. a continua;

to pursue one’s studies to the end a-şi continua studiile până la capăt.

4. (jur.) a conduce (o anchetă).

pursue verb B. intranzitiv

1. a urmări.

2. a continua, a merge mai departe (într-un discurs etc.).

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

The murderer discovered! Good God! how can that be? who could attempt to pursue him?

(Frankenstein, de Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley)

“The opinion of those other branches of my family,” pursued Mrs. Micawber, “is, that Mr. Micawber should immediately turn his attention to coals.”

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

Mr. Gardiner himself did not expect any success from this measure, but as his brother was eager in it, he meant to assist him in pursuing it.

(Pride and Prejudice, de Jane Austen)

It was time to listen to the ideas of the group and work to support the direction others wish to pursue, even if you feel that’s not the ideal way to go.

(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)

Together they watched the strange animal that had pursued them for days and that had already accomplished the destruction of half their dog-team.

(White Fang, de Jack London)

In the midst of this distress, I observed them all to run away on a sudden as fast as they could; at which I ventured to leave the tree and pursue the road, wondering what it was that could put them into this fright.

(Gulliver's Travels into several remote nations of the world, de Jonathan Swift)

But when he was riding off with it, the king’s attendants pursued him, and one of them got so near him that he wounded the youth’s leg with the point of his sword.

(Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)

This very creature that we pursue, he take hundreds of years to get so far as London; and yet in one day, when we know of the disposal of him we drive him out.

(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)

I have not seen Mr Elliot these three years, was Mrs Smith's answer, given so gravely that it was impossible to pursue the subject farther; and Anne felt that she had gained nothing but an increase of curiosity.

(Persuasion, de Jane Austen)

Suddenly from the near belt of trees there broke forth a group of twelve or fifteen Indians, running for their lives, and at their very heels two of those frightful monsters which had disturbed our camp and pursued me upon my solitary journey.

(The Lost World, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)