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Traducere în limba română

proven I. part. trec. de la to prove.

proven II. adjectiv


(scoţ. jur.) not proven nedovedit.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

However, not all studies of exercise and older adults have proven the benefits of exercise.

(Aerobic Exercise May Mildly Delay, Slightly Improve Alzheimer's Symptoms, Editura Global Info)

Some of the currently available medications that target beta cells have side effects, such as lowering blood glucose levels too much, said Dr. Lo. In addition, there are no proven treatments to prevent beta cell loss.

(New Potential Approach Found to Type 2 Diabetes Treatment, Editura Global Info)

Researchers from the University of Granada (UGR) belonging to the Mind, Brain and Behavior Research Center (CIMCYC, from its name in Spanish) and the Faculty of Business and Economics have proven that adolescents who suffer from obesity feel less food enjoyment than those who have a normal weight.

(Obesity and food restrictions proven to be associated with less food enjoyment, University of Granada)