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Traducere în limba română

proposal substantiv

1. propunere; ofertă; cerere (în căsătorie);

she had many proposals in her youth a avut multe cereri în căsătorie în tinereţea ei;

proposals for propuneri de / cu privire la / pentru;

proposal of peace propunere de pace.

2. (amer.) ofertă, cerere (de serviciu etc.).

3. plan, proiect;

all my proposals were wrong toate propunerile mele au eşuat.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

Elinor, with great civility, declined the proposal.

(Sense and Sensibility, de Jane Austen)

I am very sensible of the honour of your proposals, but it is impossible for me to do otherwise than to decline them.

(Pride and Prejudice, de Jane Austen)

What it cost me to make this proposal, nobody knows.

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

Just fancy! THREE proposals in one day!

(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)

I bring a new proposal on the subject:—a thought of my father's, which waits only your approbation to be acted upon.

(Emma, de Jane Austen)

This was a painful consideration whenever it occurred; and eager to get rid of such a weight on her mind, she very soon resolved to speak to Eleanor about it at once, propose going away, and be guided in her conduct by the manner in which her proposal might be taken.

(Northanger Abbey, de Jane Austen)

A proposal for a grant.

(Grant Proposal, NCI Thesaurus)

I dare say that, on a comparison of our opinions, they would be found as much alike as they have been used to be: to the point—I consider Crawford's proposals as most advantageous and desirable, if you could return his affection.

(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)

Did not Colonel Brandon know of Sir John's proposal to your mother before it was made?

(Sense and Sensibility, de Jane Austen)

That I was strongly inclined to like it, and had taken immediately to the proposal.

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)