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Traducere în limba română

prevention substantiv

1. prevenire, preîntâmpinare;

(prov.) prevention is better than cure paza bună trece primejdia rea;

prevention of accidents prevenirea accidentelor; tehnica securităţii;

society for the prevention of cruelty to animals societatea pentru protecţia animalelor;

by way of prevention ca precauţiune.

2. remediu profilactic, piedică, obstacol.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

It is being studied in the prevention of liver damage caused by some cancer treatments.

(Milk thistle, NCI Dictionary)

Understanding the interaction between zinc and Shank proteins could therefore lead to diagnostic, treatment and prevention strategies for autism.

(Zinc Deficiency during Pregnancy Linked to Autism in Babies, Editura Global Info)

Drugs or substances that affect this pathway are used to treat high cholesterol, and are being studied in the prevention and treatment of cancer and other diseases.

(Mevalonate pathway, NCI Dictionary)

It is being studied in the prevention of blood clots in some cancer patients, including women having surgery for cancer of the reproductive tract.

(Arixtra, NCI Dictionary)

A form of niacin is being studied in the prevention of skin and other types of cancer.

(Niacin, NCI Dictionary)

The authors concluded that, although physical activity is one of the main interventions recommended in the prevention of chronic diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes, other mechanisms beyond an increase in the volume and activity of BAT could be mediating its beneficial metabolic effects.

(Increasing the level of physical activity is found not to improve the functioning of brown adipose tissue, University of Granada)

Netupitant competitively binds to and blocks the activity of the human substance P/NK1 receptors in the central nervous system (CNS), thereby inhibiting NK1-receptor binding of the endogenous tachykinin neuropeptide substance P (SP), which may result in the prevention of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV).

(Netupitant, NCI Thesaurus)

Catherine's resolution of endeavouring to meet Miss Tilney again continued in full force the next morning; and till the usual moment of going to the pump-room, she felt some alarm from the dread of a second prevention.

(Northanger Abbey, de Jane Austen)

ACS provides information on cancer incidence, mortality, causes, manifestations, treatment, and prevention, as well as on cancer research and clinical trials, and promotes beneficial policies, laws, and regulations for patients and families affected by cancer.

(American Cancer Society, NCI Thesaurus)

The findings suggest that children who have regularly consumed peanut-containing foods from infancy to age 5 as a peanut allergy prevention strategy can safely switch to consuming peanut as desired as part of a normal diet.

(Benefits of peanut allergy prevention strategy persist after one-year peanut avoidance, NIH)