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pregnant adjectiv

1. gravidă, însărcinată.

2. bogat, rodnic, plin;

pregnant with consequences bogat în consecinţe.

3. semnificativ, sugestiv, puternic, pregnant, imaginativ, nimerit.

4. bogat în idei, imaginativ.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

Gestational diabetes is diabetes that happens for the first time when a woman is pregnant.

(Diabetes and Pregnancy, NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases)

Having trouble getting pregnant may be the first sign.

(Endometriosis, NIH)

However, little is known about the changes that exercise causes to the tissues of obese pregnant mother.

(Exercise in pregnancy improves health of obese mothers by restoring their tissues, University of Cambridge)

Another way this full moon may work out is that you may learn you are pregnant or, if you are at term, actually deliver your baby at this time.

(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)

In the case of male fetuses however, the placenta showed changes that would limit fetal growth in the aged pregnant rats.

(Placenta changes could mean male offspring of older mums more likely to develop heart problems in later life, University of Cambridge)

Unlike his earlier checks, this one was not pregnant with promise of great things to come.

(Martin Eden, de Jack London)

The authors note that if their results are confirmed, testing pregnant women for lead exposure and then offering folic acid to those who have high levels could potentially reduce their children’s risk of being overweight or obese.

(New study suggests high lead levels during pregnancy linked to child obesity, National Institutes of Health)

Pregnant women exposed to persistent organic pollutants, or POPs, had slightly smaller fetuses than women who haven’t been exposed to these chemicals, according to an analysis of ultrasound scans by researchers at the National Institutes of Health and other institutions.

(Persistent organic pollutants in maternal blood linked to smaller fetal size, National Institutes of Health)

Female placentas had much higher levels of the enzyme that makes spermine, and mothers pregnant with baby girls had higher levels of a form of spermine in their blood compared to mothers pregnant with baby boys.

(Baby’s sex affects mother’s metabolism and may influence risk of pregnancy-related complications, University of Cambridge)

But when the researchers divided the participants into two groups based on the methylmercury levels in their mothers while they were pregnant, they found that these benefits were confined to the group with the lowest exposure.

(Brain benefits of aerobic exercise lost to mercury exposure, NIH)