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Traducere în limba română

outside I. substantiv

1. parte de afară, exterior; aparenţă;

to lock the door on the outside a încuia uşa pe dinafară;

to stand on the outside a fi aproape, a fi afară la uşă.

2. (ec. etc., fam.) caz extrem;

at the (very) outside în cazul extrem;

it will be / cost five shillings at the outside va costa cel mult cinci şilingi;

you can do it in five minutes at the outside nici cinci minute nu-ţi trebuie ca să faci lucrul acesta.

3. (fam.) imperială; capră (a unei diligenţe sau trăsuri).

4. ceea ce se află în afara unui spaţiu determinat, exterior.

5. înveliş al unei ţigări, foiţă de ţigare.

6. plural (com.) banderole, sigiliu etc. pe baloturi sau colete cu mostre pentru asigurarea conţinutului.

7. (mine) ansamblu de clădiri; şi instalaţii exterioare (ale unei mine, la suprafaţa pământului - spre deosebire de subteran).

8. plural (în comerţul hârtiei) hârtie defectă.

9. formalitate.

10. (sport) înaintea;

outside left extremă stângă.

outside II. adjectiv

1. exterior; extern;

outside appearance aspect exterior.

2. extern, extra-; (mar.) peste bord.

3. superficial, aparent; extrinsec.

4. nepărtaş.

outside III. adverb

1. în afară, în exterior; pe dinafară.

2. (mar.) peste bord.

3. afară; (sl.) come outside! veniţi afară (la încăierare ori bătaie)!;

outside the door pe uşă afară.

outside IV. prepoziție

în afara (cu gen.);

he lives outside the gate locuieşte la periferie / în afara oraşului;

outside my bedroom la uşa sau la fereastra camerei mele.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

Then there is the singular fact that he did not break it in the house, or immediately outside the house, if to break it was his sole object.

(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

I was waitin’ outside the door, sir, and I could hear him.

(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

Outside of that it was impossible to think.

(Martin Eden, de Jack London)

With your permission, Mr. Holder, I shall now continue my investigations outside.

(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

You do not let your eyes see nor your ears hear, and that which is outside your daily life is not of account to you.

(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)

I have said to you once before, Mr. Holmes, that I have spent much of my life outside the law, and that I have come at last to be a law to myself.

(His Last Bow, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

After that it is put outside where it freezes into a little round ball.

(Love of Life and Other Stories, de Jack London)

Being on or toward the outside of the body or object.

(Outer, NCI Thesaurus)

A device designed to signal that an oxygen source pressure is outside of an established range.

(Oxygen Pressure Alarm Device Component, NCI Thesaurus)

A protein that is found on the outside of cells that sends signals into the cells.

(Anaplastic lymphoma receptor tyrosine kinase, NCI Dictionary)