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Traducere în limba română

modern I. adjectiv

1. modern, contemporan, actual.

2. modern, de modă nouă.

modern II. substantiv

om al vremurilor noi, om cu vederi moderne; modern.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

The only differences between cells in the modern dogs’ tumours and cells in the original tumour are those that have arisen over time either through spontaneous changes in the cells’ DNA or through changes caused by carcinogens.

(The curious tale of the cancer ‘parasite’ that sailed the seas, University of Cambridge)

My hours of leisure I spent in reading the best authors, ancient and modern, being always provided with a good number of books; and when I was ashore, in observing the manners and dispositions of the people, as well as learning their language; wherein I had a great facility, by the strength of my memory.

(Gulliver's Travels into several remote nations of the world, de Jonathan Swift)

Why on earth people who have something to say which is worth hearing should not take the slight trouble to learn how to make it heard is one of the strange mysteries of modern life.

(The Lost World, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

A modern hero.

(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)

Possibly you have seen pictures and read descriptions of the famous old building, so I will confine my account of it to saying that it is built in the shape of an L, the long arm being the more modern portion, and the shorter the ancient nucleus, from which the other had developed.

(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

The names of all which virtues are still retained among us in most languages, and are to be met with in modern, as well as ancient authors; which I am able to assert from my own small reading.

(Gulliver's Travels into several remote nations of the world, de Jonathan Swift)