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Traducere în limba română

magistrate substantiv

1. magistrat, judecător (de pace);

chief / first magistrate a) preşedinte; b) guvernator (în S.U.A.); c) rege.

2. (în Anglia) membru al magistraturii orăşeneşti.

3. funcţionar public.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

The magistrate listened to me with attention and kindness.

(Frankenstein, de Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley)

This I tell you as a magistrate.

(Rodney Stone, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

There was a Reed of Gateshead, a magistrate.

(Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)

The young man still replied: Come to the pollis! and was dragging me against the donkey in a violent manner, as if there were any affinity between that animal and a magistrate, when he changed his mind, jumped into the cart, sat upon my box, and, exclaiming that he would drive to the pollis straight, rattled away harder than ever.

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

Permit me to suggest, sir, said my uncle, that so long as he is under the personal supervision of the magistrate, he may be said to be under the care of the law, and that this condition will be fulfilled if he is under the roof of Rougham Grange.

(Rodney Stone, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)