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Traducere în limba română

losing I. adjectiv

care pierde, necâştigător;

losing game a) partidă pierdută dinainte; b) (fig.) cauză pierdută;

the losing side învinşii.

losing II. substantiv


 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

He is said to have remarked, when he put them in, that he preferred turning her over to losing the sticks.

(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)

It's surprising that a major group of marine algae succeeded after losing much of its genetic inventory.

(Red seaweeds, including those in sushi, thrive despite ancestor's loss of genes, National Science Foundation)

The wolf leaped lamely back, losing its footing and falling in its weakness.

(Love of Life and Other Stories, de Jack London)

So I started up crying out: "Then in God's name let us come at once, for we are losing time. The Count may come to Piccadilly earlier than we think."

(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)

This I addressed to Highgate—for in that place, so memorable to me, he lived—and went and posted, myself, without losing a minute.

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

Organic semiconductors have not been realistic candidates for spintronics so far because it was impossible to move spins around a polymer circuit far enough without losing the original information.

(Certain organic semiconducting materials can transport spin faster than they conduct charge, University of Cambridge)

The ice giant Uranus appears to be losing a bit of its atmosphere to space, perhaps siphoned away by the planet's magnetic field.

(The ice giant Uranus appears to be losing a bit of its atmosphere to space, NASA)

Arruda explains the biofilm is capable of protecting eggs from production to commercialisation stages, preventing eggs from losing moisture mass through evaporation.

(Protective bio-shell could extend egg shelf life, SciDev.Net)

Greenland's much larger neighbor, the Antarctic ice sheet, is also losing ice faster than previously thought, according to a recent study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

(Study: Greenland's Ice Melting Faster than Previously Thought, VOA)

Biopolymers and elastomers doped with ferromagnetic CrO2 will heat up when exposed to laser or sunlight, temporarily losing their magnetic properties until they cool down again.

(New Materials Developed by Scientists Able to Move in Response to Light, Editura Global Info)