Dicţionar englez-român


Traducere în limba română

incline I. substantiv

1. pantă, înclinaţie, plan înclinat, taluz; pantă a terenului, suiş sau coborâş.

2. (ferov.) rampă, pantă.

3. (şi incline shaft) (mine) puţ înclinat.

incline II. verb A. tranzitiv

1. a înclina, a apleca, a face să se aplece (capul, corpul, un vas etc.);

to incline one's ear to a-şi apleca urechea la;

to incline one's head a-şi apleca capul.

2. a face să, a dispune la;

his heart inclined him to pity inima il predispune la milă / îl face să fie milos.

3. a-şi îndrepta (paşii);

to incline one's steps towards/ to a place a-şi îndrepta paşii spre / către un loc.

incline II. verb B. intranzitiv

1. (înv., lit.) a se înclina, a se apleca;

inclining forward as to speak aplecindu-se ca pentru a vorbi.

2. to incline to a avea o înclinaţie către, a fi inclinat / predispus spre; a avea tendinţa să;

to incline to mercy a fi predispus la milă;

to incline to the belief that a inclina să creadă că;

to incline to an opinion a inclina spre o părere;

to incline to leanness a avea tendinţa să slăbească; a fi predispus la slăbire;

green that inclines to blue verde care bate în albastru.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

In all his niece's family and friends, there could be but one opinion, one wish on the subject; the influence of all who loved her must incline one way.

(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)

One fair evening, when Dora was not inclined to go out, my aunt and I strolled up to the Doctor's cottage.

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

Get quickly out of the room if he seems inclined to be violent.

(The Lost World, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

For my part, I am inclined to believe it all Darcy's; but you shall do as you choose.

(Pride and Prejudice, de Jane Austen)

I only mention it because, if I had been handling the case, I should have been inclined to make that the starting-point of my investigation.

(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

She turned the pages of the grammar, and their heads were inclined toward each other.

(Martin Eden, de Jack London)

This, on his side, might merely proceed from her not being thought of; but Emma was rather inclined to attribute it to delicacy, and a suspicion, from some appearances, that their friendship were declining.

(Emma, de Jane Austen)

We asked Vincent to what he attributed them, and he replied that it must have been a bite of some animal, perhaps a rat; but, for his own part, he was inclined to think that it was one of the bats which are so numerous on the northern heights of London.

(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)

I found this single sheet upon the floor of his room, and I am inclined to think that it may be one of the papers which has, perhaps, fluttered out from among the others, and in that way has escaped destruction.

(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

What you had left before I saw you, of course I do not know; but I counsel you to resist firmly every temptation which would incline you to look back: pursue your present career steadily, for some months at least.

(Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)