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Traducere în limba română

inadequate adjectiv

1. inadecvat, nepotrivit; necorespunzător.

2. insuficient, neîndestulător; imperfect; disproporţionat.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

Mrs. Elton's resources were inadequate to such an attack.

(Emma, de Jane Austen)

An area of medicine that seeks to identify and treat medical disorders in humans that result from improper or inadequate diet, or from diseases that make the body unable to handle the nutrients delivered to it in the normal diet.

(Clinical Nutrition, NCI Thesaurus)

Of 702,308 adult deaths due to heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes, 318,656 (45%) were associated with inadequate consumption of certain foods and nutrients widely considered vital for healthy living, and overconsumption of other foods that are not.

(How dietary factors influence disease risk, NIH)