Dicţionar englez-român


Traducere în limba română

ill-assorted adjectiv


 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

Such another scheme, composed of so many ill-assorted people, she hoped never to be betrayed into again.

(Emma, de Jane Austen)

Some attempts had been made, I noticed, to infuse new blood into this dwindling frame, by repairing the costly old wood-work here and there with common deal; but it was like the marriage of a reduced old noble to a plebeian pauper, and each party to the ill-assorted union shrunk away from the other.

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

The innocent beauty of her face was not as innocent to me as it had been; I mistrusted the natural grace and charm of her manner; and when I looked at Agnes by her side, and thought how good and true Agnes was, suspicions arose within me that it was an ill-assorted friendship.

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)