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Traducere în limba română

gut I. substantiv

1. intestin; plural intestine, organe interne, măruntaie; (med.) catgut;

not fit to carry guts to a bear bun de nimic, nulitate;

(anat.) blind gut cecum;

large guts intestinul gros;

little / small guts intestinele subţiri;

greedy guts mâncăcios.

2. plural (sl.) bărbăţie, curaj, tărie, putere de voinţă;

(amer.) to have the guts to do smth. a avea curajul de a face ceva;

he has more guts than brains e mai mult curajos decât mintos;

a man with plenty of guts om curajos;

no guts in him nu valorează nimic, nu e bun de nimic.

3. coardă (pentru vioară etc.).

4. trecătoare, trecere îngustă; strâmtoare; drum îngustat.

gut II. verb A. tranzitiv

1. a scoate, a goli.

2. a curăţa (un animal, peşte etc.) de intestine.

3. a deşerta, a goli; a devasta;

guted (despre un edificiu) devastat (pe dinăuntru).

4. a asimila (esenţialul dintr-o carte etc.).

gut II. verb B. intranzitiv

(vulg.) a mânca, a hali, a potoli, a băga pe sub nas.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

Their study showed that bacteria found in the gut of mice affect the liver’s antitumor immune function.

(Study finds gut microbiome can control antitumor immune function in liver, National Institutes of Health)

However, most endocrine cells of the gut apparently have endodermal rather than neuroectodermal origin, so the relationship with APUD cells is not clear.

(Endocrine Cell of the Gastrointestinal System, NLM, Medical Subject Headings)

In a previous research study, scientists showed that mice that ate a diet high in sodium began to show symptoms of dementia due to changes that occurred in the gut.

(Pathogenic tau and cognitive impairment are precipitated by a high-salt diet, National Institutes of Health)

These microbial communities are commonly referred to as gut microbiota.

(Whales may owe their efficient digestion to millions of tiny microbes, National Science Foundation)

Alcoholic hepatitis is a serious form of alcohol-associated liver disease, and people with it have high levels of the bacterium Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) in their gut.

(Bacteriophage therapy may ease severity of alcoholic hepatitis, National Institutes of Health)

Every urge of his being impelled him to spring upon the pack that cried at his heels, but it was the will of the gods that this should not be; and behind the will, to enforce it, was the whip of cariboo-gut with its biting thirty-foot lash.

(White Fang, de Jack London)

When I finished reading my first page, and stopped for breath, he clapped his hands and cried out in his hearty way, "Das ist gut! Now we go well! My turn. I do him in German, gif me your ear."

(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)

Encoded by human NBS1 Gene, ubiquitous expression of 754-amino acid 85 kD Nibrin occurs principally in testis, thymus, and spleen (sites of physiologic DNA double-strand breakage) and liver, lung, striated/smooth muscle, kidney, and gut (high proliferative activity).

(Nibrin, NCI Thesaurus)

With this research we are connecting the dots between gut metabolic food sensors and cardiovascular disease; and might open new therapeutic avenues to treat patients with a host of related conditions, said Michelle Olive, Ph.D., program officer at the NHLBI Division of Cardiovascular Sciences.

(Some gut cells slow down metabolism, accelerate cardiovascular disease, National Institutes of Health)

In humans, the greatest proportion of the body’s total microbiome is in the gut.

(Study finds gut microbiome can control antitumor immune function in liver, National Institutes of Health)