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Traducere în limba română

frail1 I. adjectiv

1. fragil, casant.

2. fragil, şubred.

3. gingaş, debil, slăbuţ, bolnăvicios.

4. trecător, pieritor, efemer;

frail happiness fericire trecătoare.

5. slab, nestatornic, şovăitor, uşuratic;

frail woman femeie uşuratică.

frail1 II. s.

(amer. pop.) femeie, muiere.

frail2 substantiv

1. (bot.) trestie.

2. coş, paner (împletit din trestie, pentru ambalarea smochinelor, stafidelor etc.).

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

As Amy spoke, a great tear dropped on the golden hair of the sleeping child in her arms, for her one well-beloved daughter was a frail little creature and the dread of losing her was the shadow over Amy's sunshine.

(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)