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Traducere în limba română

expert I. substantiv

expert, specialist, cunoscător;

the experts tehnicienii;

to be an expert in / on economics a fi expert în ştiinţe economice;

he is an expert in the matter e expert în materie, se pricepe.

2. grafolog.

expert II. adjectiv

expert, priceput, versat, calificat, de înaltă calificare.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

If you need to make a change of experts, you are most likely to do it this month.

(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)

You may not be aware that the deduction of a man’s age from his writing is one which has been brought to considerable accuracy by experts.

(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

Every west-country coach brought up word of the fine condition of Crab Wilson, who had returned to his own native air for his training, and was known to be under the immediate care of Captain Barclay, the expert.

(Rodney Stone, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

A new research says that the dietary cholesterol in eggs is associated with a heightened risk of cardiovascular disease and early death — even though plenty of nutrition experts, consider eggs part of a healthy diet.

(Eggs No Longer Part of a Healthy Diet?, Editura Global Info)

The process whereby an expert in hereditary disorders provides information about risk and clinical burden of a disorder or disorders to patients or relatives in families with genetic disorders as an aid to making informed and responsible decisions about marriage, children, early diagnosis, and handling disability.

(Genetic Counseling, NCI Thesaurus)

The research team - which involved experts from the World Health Organization - are currently applying the results to estimate the number of premature deaths that could be prevented in cities around the world.

(People Living Near Parks in Cities Less Likely to Face Early Death, Editura Global Info)

For a specific issue, a panel of experts (such as doctors and scientists) reviews reports and papers on the subject, listens to information presented by other experts in the field, and hears comments from the general public.

(Consensus Development Program, NCI Dictionary)