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Traducere în limba română

division substantiv

1. despărţire, separare; sciziune; divergenţă.

2. împărţire, distribuire, diviziune, repartizare;

division of labour diviziune a muncii.

3. (mat.) împărţire; divizare;

long division împărţire printr-un împărţitor mai mare de 12;

short division împărţire printr-un împărţitor mai mic de 13.

4. clasificare; ordin, gen.

5. despărţitură, limită, graniţă.

6. dezbinare; dezunire; discordie, divergenţă (de păreri);

to cause / to bring division a provoca neînţelegere / ceartă.

7. parte, secţiune, sector; subdiviziune administrativă sau electorală.

8. (mil.) divizie.

9. (mar.) divizion.

10. (pol.) separare a membrilor unei adunări legislative pentru a vota; votare;

Parliamentary division circumscripţite electorală;

to carry a division a obţine majoritatea;

without a division în unanimitate.

11. (rar) tabel de preţuri, tarif.

12. (ferov.) sector de cale ferată.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

And be it known, now, that the division of that which I kill shall be fair.

(Love of Life and Other Stories, de Jack London)

A drug that is very similar to natural chemicals in a normal biochemical reaction in cells but different enough to interfere with the normal division and functions of cells.

(Antimetabolite, NCI Dictionary)

“Why do you bring division between these two mad creatures?” she returned.

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

A substance that blocks a protein called mTOR, which helps control cell division.

(mTOR inhibitor, NCI Dictionary)

Mr. Weston would take no denial; they must all dine at Randalls one day;—even Mr. Woodhouse was persuaded to think it a possible thing in preference to a division of the party.

(Emma, de Jane Austen)

A division of the National Institutes of Health, it is the world's largest biomedical library.

(National Library of Medicine, NCI Thesaurus)

I won’t deny that there was some feeling about the division of the money and it stood between us for a time, but it was all forgiven and forgotten, and we were the best of friends together.

(His Last Bow, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

Upon antibody/antigen binding and internalization, the immunoconjugate releases DM4, which binds to tubulin and disrupts microtubule assembly/disassembly dynamics, resulting in inhibition of cell division and cell growth of CD19-expressing tumor cells.

(Anti-CD19-DM4 Immunoconjugate SAR3419, NCI Thesaurus)

He did not like to diminish the property by division, and yet he was anxious that Mr. Edward should have wealth, too, to keep up the consequence of the name; and, soon after he was of age, some steps were taken that were not quite fair, and made a great deal of mischief.

(Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)

When this had lasted some time, the division of the party was completed by Tom Bertram and Mr. Yates walking off together to consult farther in the room now beginning to be called the Theatre, and Miss Bertram's resolving to go down to the Parsonage herself with the offer of Amelia to Miss Crawford; and Fanny remained alone.

(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)