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Traducere în limba română

distant adjectiv

1. îndepărtat (în spaţiu, ca grad de rudenie etc.);

five miles distant la o distanţă de 5 mile;

at a distant period într-o epocă îndepărtată.

2. (fig.) îndepărtat, neprecis, vag;

distant connection înrudire îndepărtată,

distant likeness asemănare vagă.

3. distant; rece, rezervat; arogant;

distant politeness politeţe rece;

to be on distant terms a fi în relaţii reci / neprieteneşti.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

It will fall in Aries, a fire sign like yours, and will light your ninth house of distant travel.

(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)

A tumor that has spread from its original (primary) site of growth to another site, close to or distant from the primary site.

(Metastatic Neoplasm, NCI Thesaurus)

This may be from a primary nervous system cancer, or from a cancer at a distant site.

(Metastatic Malignant Neoplasm to the Nervous System, NCI Thesaurus)

A clinical finding about one or more characteristics of bone cancer, following the rules of the TNM AJCC v7 classification system as they pertain to distant metastases.

(Bone Cancer Clinical Distant Metastasis TNM Finding v7, NCI Thesaurus)

A pathologic finding about one or more characteristics of bone cancer, following the rules of the TNM AJCC v7 classification system as they pertain to distant metastases.

(Bone Cancer Pathologic Distant Metastasis TNM Finding v7, NCI Thesaurus)

A clinical finding about one or more characteristics of breast cancer, following the rules of the TNM AJCC v6 classification system as they pertain to distant metastases.

(Breast Cancer Clinical Distant Metastasis TNM Finding v6, NCI Thesaurus)

A pathologic finding about one or more characteristics of bladder cancer, following the rules of the TNM AJCC v6 classification system as they pertain to distant metastases.

(Bladder Cancer Pathologic Distant Metastasis TNM Finding v6, NCI Thesaurus)

A clinical finding about one or more characteristics of bladder cancer, following the rules of the TNM AJCC v7 classification system as they pertain to distant metastases.

(Bladder Cancer Clinical Distant Metastasis TNM Finding v7, NCI Thesaurus)

A clinical finding about one or more characteristics of breast cancer, following the rules of the TNM AJCC v7 classification system as they pertain to distant metastases.

(Breast Cancer Clinical Distant Metastasis TNM Finding v7, NCI Thesaurus)

A pathologic finding about one or more characteristics of breast cancer, following the rules of the TNM AJCC v6 classification system as they pertain to distant metastases.

(Breast Cancer Pathologic Distant Metastasis TNM Finding v6, NCI Thesaurus)