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Traducere în limba română

discern verb A. tranzitiv

1. a discerne, a desluşi, a recunoaşte; a vedea, a zări;

we discerned a sail in the distance am zărit o pânză în depărtare.

2. a distinge, a deosebi; a judeca; a pătrunde;

to good from bad a deosebi răul de bine.

discern verb B. intranzitiv

a deosebi, a face o deosebire.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

Here Catherine again discerned the force of love.

(Northanger Abbey, de Jane Austen)

But beneath the swing and go of the story was to be something else—something that the superficial reader would never discern and which, on the other hand, would not diminish in any way the interest and enjoyment for such a reader.

(Martin Eden, de Jack London)

Perceived, discerned, discovered or identified.

(Detected, NCI Thesaurus)

The team also investigated the size of these particles in rats, but found that there were no significant changes by age, although there was a limitation in being able to discern bone-like particles from the tiny blood cells called platelets.

(Bone-Like Particles Found Travelling through Human Bloodstream, Editura Global Info)

He was amazed at the continual noise it made, and the motion of the minute-hand, which he could easily discern; for their sight is much more acute than ours: he asked the opinions of his learned men about it, which were various and remote, as the reader may well imagine without my repeating; although indeed I could not very perfectly understand them.

(Gulliver's Travels into several remote nations of the world, de Jonathan Swift)

Emma could not forgive her;—but as neither provocation nor resentment were discerned by Mr. Knightley, who had been of the party, and had seen only proper attention and pleasing behaviour on each side, he was expressing the next morning, being at Hartfield again on business with Mr. Woodhouse, his approbation of the whole; not so openly as he might have done had her father been out of the room, but speaking plain enough to be very intelligible to Emma.

(Emma, de Jane Austen)

Fanny was worth it all; he held her to be worth every effort of patience, every exertion of mind, but he did not think he could have gone on himself with any woman breathing, without something more to warm his courage than his eyes could discern in hers.

(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)

By their uncertain light she thought she could discern it to be drawn by four horses; and this, while it told the excess of her poor mother's alarm, gave some explanation to such unexpected rapidity.

(Sense and Sensibility, de Jane Austen)

Elizabeth looked at Darcy to see how cordially he assented to his cousin's praise; but neither at that moment nor at any other could she discern any symptom of love; and from the whole of his behaviour to Miss de Bourgh she derived this comfort for Miss Bingley, that he might have been just as likely to marry her, had she been his relation.

(Pride and Prejudice, de Jane Austen)

Rain, wind, and darkness filled the air; nevertheless, I dimly discerned a wall before me and a door open in it; through this door I passed with my new guide: she shut and locked it behind her.

(Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)