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Traducere în limba română

deposition substantiv

1. destituire; revocare; detronare, răsturnare.

2. (bis.) tablou înfăţişând coborârea de pe cruce.

3. (jur.) depoziţie sub jurământ.

4. (geol.) depunere, sedimentare; stratificaţie; depozit; haldă.

5. (ec.) depunere, depozitare.

6. (text.) depunere (a materiei prime).

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

Thin layer deposition.

(Microdeposition, NCI Thesaurus)

It is further characterized by an inflammatory reaction of the glomerular capillaries due to the proliferation of mesangial cells, expansion of the mesangial matrix and deposition of immune complexes causing subsequent thickening of the glomerular basement membrane.

(Nephrotic Syndrome with Lesion of Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis, NCI Thesaurus)

TNAP also generates Pi by using NTPs and PPi as substrates, but other more major sources of Pi e.g., intestinal absorption, are likely to contribute the bulk of the Pi needed for hydroxyapatite deposition.

(Bone Mineralization Regulation Pathway, NCI Thesaurus/BIOCARTA)