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Traducere în limba română

consume verb A. tranzitiv

1. a consuma, a cheltui.

2. a mânca, a absorbi.

3. (despre foc) a distruge, a arde, a mistui.

4. a risipi, a pierde (vreme).

5. pasiv. a fi ros / mâncat / chinuit;

he is consumed with envy îl roade invidia, e chinuit de pizmă.

consume verb B. intranzitiv

a slăbi, a se ofili, a se trece.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

This whole winter, instead of being spent in study, as you promised yourself, has been consumed in my sick room.

(Frankenstein, de Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley)

First, food or drink is consumed.

(Nutrition, NCI Dictionary)

Half the match is consumed in lighting a pipe or cigar.

(His Last Bow, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

A property indicating a class of food components that contribute energy to the diet and that are typically consumed in multi-gram amounts.

(Macronutrient, NCI Thesaurus/CRCH)

The subject is asked to report how often each item was consumed during a specified period of time.

(Food Frequency Questionnaire, NCI Thesaurus)

A group of substances which are consumed by humans and animals.

(Food, NCI Thesaurus/CRCH)

A syndrome that can develop in infants whose mothers consumed alcohol during pregnancy.

(Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, NCI Thesaurus)

A substance consumed by humans and animals for nutritional purposes.

(Food or Food Product, NCI Thesaurus/BRIDG)

Organisms that are unable to produce their own food, therefore they consume other organisms (plants or animals) to obtain energy.

(Heterotrophs, NOAA Paleoclimate Glossary)

Once Mars moves into Scorpio on November 18, until January 3, your work life will become busier and all-consuming, straight through December.

(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)