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Traducere în limba română

compliance substantiv

1. consimţământ, asentiment, învoială;

in compliance with your wish potrivit dorinţei dv., în conformitate cu dorinţa dv., îndeplinindu-vă dorinţa.

2. îngăduinţă, flexibilitate, maleabilitate.

3. concesie, cedare; supunere.

4. complezenţă, ascultare, docilitate.

5. respectare, conformare;

compliance with safety and health regulations respectarea regulilor de securitate şi ocrotire a sănătăţii.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

We left the room, in compliance with this request.

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

Frank Churchill, of whom, in the eagerness of her conversation with Mrs. Weston, she had been seeing nothing, except that he had found a seat by Miss Fairfax, followed Mr. Cole, to add his very pressing entreaties; and as, in every respect, it suited Emma best to lead, she gave a very proper compliance.

(Emma, de Jane Austen)

Issue associated with the non-compliance or non-performance to manufacturer specifications relating to device routine maintenance, i.e., periodic inspection, failure detection, repair, and care of the device to sustain or restore acceptable operating conditions.

(Medical Device Maintenance Does not Comply to Manufacturers Recommendations, Food and Drug Administration)

An account of the planned and systematic actions that are established to ensure that the trial is performed and the data are generated, documented (recorded), and reported in compliance with good clinical practice (GCP) and the applicable regulatory requirement(s).

(Clinical Trial Quality Assurance Report, NCI Thesaurus)

He told me that Mr. Micawber had just now been arrested again (and for the last time) at the suit of Heep, and that, in compliance with a request I had made to him, he had paid the money, which I repaid him.

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)