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Traducere în limba română

cognate I. adjectiv

de un sânge, dintr-o mamă; înrudit, apropiat; asemănător, similar; analog; având aceeaşi origine sau obârşie;

(lingv.) cognate words cuvinte înrudite / din aceeaşi familie / având aceeaşi rădăcină / familie de cuvinte.

cognate II. substantiv

1. (scoţ. jur.) rudă (după mamă).

2. plural (lingv.) cuvinte având o origine comună; limbi înrudite.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

The ras-mediated pathway, acting through Shc, Grb-2 and Sos-1 upstream and activating Map kinases downstream, activates transcription factors such as ELK-1 and NF-IL-6 (C/EBP-beta) that can act through their own cognate response elements in the genome.

(IL6 Signaling Pathway, NCI Thesaurus/BIOCARTA)

A process that involves the binding of an immunoglobulin on the surface of a B cell to a cognate antigen on the surface of a follicular dendritic cell, resulting in a strong survival signal for the immunoglobulin-bearing cell.

(Immunoglobulin-Mediated Cell Signaling, NCI Thesaurus)

Any process which promotes expression of the interferon proteins, their subsequent secretion, binding to cognate receptors or intracellular signaling, and promotes antigen presentation by T lymphocytes, interference with viral replication, and activation of NK cells and macrophages.

(Interferon Signaling Process, NCI Thesaurus)