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Traducere în limba română

background substantiv

1. fund; fond, cadru (în pictură); decor, fundal, planul din fund al scenei (la teatru); spaţiul dindărăt, terenul din fund;

to drive / to throw into the background, to put in the background, to relegate to the background a împinge pe ultimul plan;

to melt into the background a se contopi cu fondul;

to recede into the background a se retrage pe ultimul plan;

(fig.) to keep in the background a se ţine în umbră.

2. ambianţă, atmosferă.

3. bază, fundament, formaţie, cunoştinţe;

he has a fine background are o bază serioasă / o formaţie aleasă / cunoştinţe temeinice.

4. premiză, origine; provenienţă.

5. (lit., fil.) condiţii (sociale, istorice etc.), mediu.

6. loc retras / obscur / îndepărtat.

7. pregătire, calificare.

8. (muz.) acompaniament muzical.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

The results indicate that only about 40 percent of the soft X-ray background originates within the solar system.

(Evidence for supernovas near Earth, NASA)

In analyzing Cassini's images of the eruptions on Enceladus, the researchers took particular note of the faint background glow present in most images.

(Saturn Moon's Activity Could Be 'Curtain Eruptions', NASA)

Sometimes light from a single background object appears as multiple images.

(Hubble Uncovers the Farthest Star Ever Seen, NASA)

A melanoma of the skin characterized by a proliferation of atypical spindled melanocytes in the dermis, in a background of abundant collagen.

(Desmoplastic melanoma, NCI Thesaurus)

The problem in the background of her consciousness was how to help him, and she turned the conversation in that direction; but it was Martin who came to the point first.

(Martin Eden, de Jack London)

Describe the background pain.

(NPS - Describe the Background Pain, NCI Thesaurus)

Phylloides-like lesions, referring to resemblance to human neoplasm most characteristic in breast, typically seen against background of more widespread atypical epithelial +/- stromal proliferation, as opposed to a distinct focal neoplasm against normal prostate background.

(Combined Epithelial / Stromal Atypical Hyperplasia of the Mouse Prostate Gland, NCI Thesaurus/MMHCC)

I do not mind them—I mind nothing but my grief—and yet I see and know them all; and even in the background, far away, see Minnie looking on, and her eye glancing on her sweetheart, who is near me.

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

This was a hard duty, and she was never summoned to it without looking at William, as he walked about at his ease in the background of the scene, and longing to be with him.

(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)

The variable magnesium block that ensured the cells consistently sent information to the brain in response to the passing bars of light despite the distracting incoming stream of signals generated by the background lights.

(Eye cells may use math to detect motion, NIH)