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Traducere în limba română

apn(o)ea substantiv

(med.) apnee.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

People in the group with the lowest severity of obesity, with a BMI of 30 to 35, were more than five times as likely to develop type 2 diabetes and sleep apnoea as those of a normal weight.

(Middle Age Severely Obese People More Likely to Die Early, Editura Global Info)

Even the least obese, with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 to 35, had twice the risk of high blood pressure, nearly twice the risk of heart failure and nearly six times the risk of sleep apnoea of those with a healthy weight.

(Middle Age Severely Obese People More Likely to Die Early, Editura Global Info)

The research shows people with the highest levels of obesity are running a high risk of a range of serious illnesses and premature death, with 12 times the risk of type 2 diabetes, 22 times the risk of sleep apnoea and nearly four times the risk of heart failure compared to those who are of normal weight.

(Middle Age Severely Obese People More Likely to Die Early, Editura Global Info)