Engleza bancară

International transfers: Role-play exercise 3:

Bank clerk: Hello. Can I help you, ma'am?
You: ...
Bank clerk: Well, you can pay by mail, telegraphic or SWIFT transfer. Or you can have a banker's draft and mail it yourself to the beneficiary.
You: ...
Bank clerk: It depends on the amount and how fast you want that person to receive the money. A SWIFT transfer is the fastest method but a banker's draft is usually the cheapest. How much do you wanna send?
You: ...
Bank clerk: Why don't you send it by mail payment order?
You: ...
Bank clerk: About a week.
You: ...
Bank clerk: Sure. You can have a Telegraphic or a SWIFT transfer.
You: ...
Bank clerk: Both a Telegraphic Transfer and a SWIFT transfer will normally be credited to the payee's account within three or four working days, depending on whether the beneficiary's bank is among our correspondent banks or we have to route the transfer through a third bank.
You: ...
Bank clerk: You have to fill out this form, ma'am.


Exercițiu Role-Play, include audio
Exercițiu Role-Play, include audio
Dialog, include audio și traducere în limba română
Dialog, include audio și traducere în limba română
Dialog, include audio și traducere în limba română
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