Engleza pentru contabilitate


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Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the following:
in, assets, tangible, depreciation, patents, from

Listen to this phrase
1. Total assets as of December 31, 2003, increased by €184 million, or 32.7%, December 31, 2002.
total assets = active totale
as of ... = la data de ...
increased by €... million = au crescut cu ... milioane euro
or ...% = sau cu ... la suta
from = de la
from December 31, 2002 = fata de 31 decembrie 2002
Listen to this phrase
2. The most common types of intangible assets are , copyrights, franchises or licenses, trademarks or trade names, and goodwill.
the most common types of = cele mai uzuale tipuri de
intangible assets = active necorporale
patents = brevete
copyrights = drepturi de autor
franchises = francize
licenses = licente
trademarks = marci de comert
trade = comert
name = nume, denumire
trade names = denumiri comerciale
goodwill = fond comercial
Listen to this phrase
3. At December 31, 2003 and 2002, the Company had patents, trademarks and other identifiable intangible with a value of $124.0 million and $128.6 million, respectively.
At December 31, 2003 and 2002 = la 31 decembrie 2003, si (respectiv) 2002
the Company had patents, trademarks and other identifiable intangible assets = compania avea brevete, marci de comert si alte active necorporale identificabile
with a value of $... million and $... million, respectively = cu o valoare de ... milioane dolari, respectiv de ... milioane dolari
Listen to this phrase
4. The increase in current assets is largely due to increases notes receivable and prepaid expenses.
increase = crestere
current assets = active circulante; active curente
the increase in current assets = cresterea activelor circulante / curente
to be due (to) = a se datora (+ dativ)
largely = in context: in mare masura
notes receivable = efecte [comerciale] de incasat
prepaid = preplatit, platit anticipat / in avans
prepaid expenses = cheltuieli inregistrate in avans, cheltuieli efectuate in avans, cheltuieli in avans
Listen to this phrase
5. The net assets of this company were appraised at €950,000 on December 31, 2002.
tangible = corporale
net = net
assets = active
tangible net assets = active corporale nete
of this company = ale acestei companii
(to) appraise = a estima; a evalua
were appraised at ... = au fost evaluate / estimate la ...
on ... = la [data de] ...
Listen to this phrase
6. Property, plant, and equipment includes buildings $2,525,000 less accumulated depreciation of $461,000; equipment $642,000 less accumulated of $208,000; and land $856,000.
property, plant and equipment = imobilizari corporale (litt. proprietati, utilaje si aparatura)
(to) include = a include, a cuprinde
buildings = cladiri
less = mai putin; in context: minus
accumulated depreciation of ... = amortizare acumulata [in valoare] de ...
equipment = in context: aparatura
land = teren, terenuri


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